DWI Accidents

Our caring team provides support and prompt treatment to patients involved in a DWI accident. We provide a complete examination, diagnosis, and treatment procedures that are done to provide pain relief to the patient.  We also provide full assistance to our patients in submitting accidental claims to medical insurance providers.

What is DWI

DWI stands for driving while intoxicated. It refers to the offense of driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The drugs and alcohol can have a severe effect on the vision, consciousness, and reaction time of the driver which might result in an accident. The person driving while intoxicated put his as well as other’s safety at risk.

DWI accidents treatment

If you are involved in a DWI accident, you should immediately seek the help of a diagnostic professional to know the extent of the injury. At first, it is difficult to know all the consequences of the accident. Some injuries show immediate effects while others take time to show any effect. If left untreated, these injuries can result in chronic pain. Our highly experienced specialists provide the patients with the best medical service regarding any DWI accidents injury. You should contact us immediately if you suspect any bruising, hidden injury, stiffness, dizziness, or traumatic flashbacks.

DWI Accidents Claim

If you are involved in a DWI accident and have sustained any kind of injury as a result of the accident, then you can claim compensation for your losses or damages. These damages include medical costs, loss of income, pain, and suffering. We help the patients in filling the accidental claim so that they can focus on their health. The patients do not have to worry about the accidental claim. If necessary, we can also refer a good lawyer to take care of all the legal proceedings.

Book An Appointment For DWI Accidents Injuries

In case you are involved in any kind of DWI accident, call us at (713) 434-5877) to book your appointment.

Make An Appointment

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday : 9am–6pm, Friday : 9am–2pm. Closed: Saturday & Sunday

2646 South Loop West, Suite 520 Houston, Texas 77054. Email: info@realisticmedicalclinic.com Phone:  (713) 434-5877